Using the Maizels method for the wellbeing of people in challenging or emotional situations, is Jennie’s absolute number one priority.
It is of course very different to art therapy not just because there simply isn’t any therapy but also, the Maizels Method treats the quality of the final outcome as integral to the therapeutic creative experience.
Creating art far beyond your perceived ability is empowering and mood enhancing. Seeing your framed masterpiece that started with a blank page, is often an emotional and euphoric experience.
Now a subject of a major research project at Winchester University, Dr Liam Satchell (PhD MBPsS FHEA), Senior Lecturer in Psychology has concluded that the Maizels Method “focuses on supporting individuals’
agency and autonomy, giving them a sense of control through guiding them from no assumed knowledge to a high-quality outcome”.
Sessions can be run without any training or facilitators, in groups or remotely in people’s homes.
Centres or individuals can sign up to a yearly subscription of two projects each month
A Trial of the first two projects is also offered.
Centres or individuals will be sent a printable A4 sheet with the images of the two projects for the month.
Each artwork is accompanied by ed by a QR code.
This code will take individuals to a step by step video, (either with sound for individuals in a home setting, or without sound for those in a group setting, these are two separate videos) along with links to a printable transfer sheet and a reference sheet.
Note: Centres can print out the recourses and play the videos on their intranet if phones are not available.
Here are the first two month’s projects:

For more information, please contact Jennie directly.