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We (really really) Love The Good Life Experience!

Oh my goodness, what an AMAZING weekend we had at The Good Life Experience.

This was our second time bringing Sketchbook Club to the festival. It was lovely to see how word had obviously spread since last year as the numbers had more than doubled! It was buzzing; a wonderful atmosphere, everyone was so cheerful and friendly and happily for me, so eager to learn more about Sketchbooks!


We were in Makers Row, but as you can see, we were very squashed and had to turn lots of people away (sorry sorry!), but fear not, lovely Charlie Gladstone has promised us a whole tent to ourselves next year!


This year we were lucky enough to have three extremely over qualified helpers, Suzy, Kirsty and Anna Houser (two twins and their mother, who looks about their age!). Kirsty is an illustrator, Anna, a textiles designer and Suzy runs an art gallery and is a set designer, they were AMAZING! I hope we can persuade them to come again next year.


As soon as we opened, we were full, full, full. Non stop and packed to the corners of our little tent space. Everyone was so incredibly focused, I was overwhelmed by their talent and their outstanding creative abilities, just look at those Helter-skelter paintings!


We painted, dogs, castles, flags, leaves and much more (look at some of the lovely leaves below), everyone was given instructions as to how to finish the sketchbooks around the festival over the weekend. On Sunday, it was really special because so many of you came and showed me your completed sketchbooks, it meant so much and I absolutely loved seeing them.



So, thank you. Thank you The good Life Experience; Charlie, Caroline, Vicky and Cerys, for having us and for making us feel so welcome, but above all, thank you to all those who came and worked on Sketchbooks with me. I met so many wonderful people and so many adorable and delightful children! It was so wonderful to meet you all, can you spot yourself in my Sketchbook Cub Hall of Fame…?


Thank you and I can’t wait see you all next year! xxx Jennie