I LOVE commissions like this.
Last Christmas I was lucky enough to be asked to illustrate the Holiday Card for the World Trade centre (seen below in the middle) and the ‘We’ve moved’ card for the Walkie Talkie Building (bottom right)…
This year, I was thrilled to be commissioned to create a Pop-Up Card for my favourite building in New York, 8 Spruce Street, also known as New York by Gehry.
All of this because of a tweet! Whilst working on my Pop-Up New York Book, I was Instagramming and Tweeting my work in progress, the drawing of The Gehry Building, caught the eye of the team at Spruce Street.
They loved my Pop Up New York book and how I had represented the building, so they asked me to illustrate a special card to send out to clients and for the residents of this most prestigious of addresses.
Here is the finished card.
Thrillingly, they have also placed a giant version in their window! I only wish I could pop over to see it myself, imagine it, Christmas shopping in New York, sigh….