I made this for a school Pop Up Workshop which I did recently and thought it might be a fun thing to share with you…
You will need double sided sticky tape, scissors and colouring in pencils.
It’s very easy, firstly cut out the shapes (there are surplus grass pieces as you will only need one for each card) then colour them in (best bit!). Fold all the ‘doted’ lines, then the important bit…
Put strips of sticky back plastic on all the tabs ON THE FRONT and bend them backwards…
Stick down the right hand side of the bunny (below its paws) onto the bunny line on the base page.
Then stick down the right hand grass tab to the grass line on the base page.
With the bunny tucked in-between the grass, peel off the remaining sticky tape backing (grass and bunny pieces) and close the card…
Open it up and Wahey! A pop up bunny. Yay!