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Getting started:
- Instructions – Detailed instructions from start to finish along with the tips, techniques & clever tricks.
- Reference – Handpicked (printable) reference material to inspire and assist.
- Video – A video showing you each of the steps.
- Community – Details of the social media hashtag to use for the module.
Top tip – Print out the ‘Reference’ images first so that you have them in front of you whilst watching the video 🙂
Frequently Asked Questions1. What do I get?
Video – A video showing you each of the steps.
Instructions – Detailed instructions from start to finish along with the tips, techniques & clever tricks.
Reference – Handpicked (printable) reference material to inspire and assist.
Top tip – Print out the ‘Reference’ images first so that you have them in front of you whilst watching the video 🙂
Community – Details of the social media hashtag to use for the module.
2. What materials do I need?
Each module lists the suggested materials that are required for its completion.
3. How do I access the modules?
Once you have purchased a modules, you will receive an email which contains the links to the corresponding video, instructions & reference.
You can also access them by logging in and going to the My Account section of this website.
4. How long do I have access to the modules?
There is no deadline so you can take as long as you like!
5. How long does each module last?
Each module should take approximately 2 hours to complete however this can be much shorter or longer depending on your preference.
6. How can I ask Jennie specific questions?
Ask Jennie via Twitter / Facebook / Instagram or send an email to contact@jenniemsaizels.com with your question 🙂
7. Can I participate from outside the UK?
Of course! The more widespread the better.
8. What is my username?
Your username is derived from the first part of your email address. E.g. ‘jennie@jenniemaizels.com’ will result in a username of ‘jennie’.
9. How to give Sketchbook Club as a present?
If you would like to buy a module as a present for someone else, purchase a Gift Voucher which can then be redeemed by them on the website.
10. How to print Reference Material?
If you do not have A4, use Legal size 8.5″ by 14″.
This week’s Sketchbook Club is about washing lines. I’ve always loved washing lines, I even have one up here in my studio.
The trouble is, when you try to draw one, it’s really hard for it not to look like a young child’s drawing.
So I have created a template for us to trace over and use as our base.
This way, the spread will look more sophisticated.
You will also see in the reference pages, lots of ideas and patterns to really make this a really special spread.
- First of all you will need to trace over the washing line image using a pencil.
You might prefer to draw a single line of washing, in which case, just trace over your preferred line.
It’s really hard for to draw a washing line freehand without it looking like a young child’s drawing, using the traceable reference the spread will look more sophisticated. - Position the page on your sketchbook spread in the position you would like your washing line or washing lines (make sure it’s the right way round).
- Then, firmly scribble over the reverse of the washing line image to transfer the pencil markings onto your page.
You will now have a lovely washing line drawing, all ready for some colour! - Using Gouache paints, we will now add the colour. The wonderful thing about gouache is that they have a really solid chalky like finish, which makes a fantastic surface for coloured pencils.
You will only need little dots of colour on a plate, try not to simply use the colours straight from the tubes, experiment with mixing the colours together, why not copy some of the colours on the reference sheet.
You might want to have a look at some other clothes images online for some further inspiration. Really make this spread your own. - Once your item of clothing is painted, you can start to add some detail.
A lovely idea is to paint some trousers a really dark inky blue and then, with a white pencil, draw the tiny stitching marks. It looks so effective.
Don’t worry if the edges of your painting are a bit wobbly, you can neaten the edges with your pencils. You might like to add some collage (Like newspaper or patterned paper) as your clothes patterns too. - Once all the clothes have been painted and pencil details added (or any other embellishments), it’s time to add the string. I’ve used some coloured twine, but simply use anything you can get your hands on.
- Apply a thin line of craft glue to hold it in place.
Now you have a lovely washing line image on your spread.
You may decide to leave it as is. Or, you may like to add some grass, clouds, birds etc.
To access the reference images, click on the thumbnails below.
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Or download a PDF of all of the images here.
You will need the following materials…
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Gouache paints
- Size 1 paint brush
- Size 6 paint brush
- Coloured pencils
- String or twine
- Scissors
- Craft (PVA) glue
- Optional – A couple of pages from an old paperback book (or newspaper)
One of the best things about being part of Sketchbook Club, is the fabulous way we can all show each other our Sketchbook pages. It’s so wonderful to get instant feedback about your artwork, not only is it hugely confidence building (very important!) but it is also a great way to ask people’s opinions and seek advice.
This module’s Instagram hashtag is #SketchbookClubWashingLine.
You might like to check out everyone else’s pages for inspiration before you start…