‘Mummy Limited’ Blog has a Finger Food Friday, featuring recipes from my cookery book. Really nicely photographed and carefully explained. Well done her… puts me to shame! http://mummylimited.blogspot.com/2010/06/finger-food-friday-mini-quiches.html
I forget how much this book is still being bought/used. It was written for my Millie, who is now nearly ten! I still refer to it and have yet to find a better Brownie recipe (thanks Aunty Sister!!)
Hi Aunty sister here, have just bought another copy of the book as keep giving them away. Have to get up early in the morning and make brownie for Dave to take to work as it is 'Cake Day'!!! Speak soon, Tru DaT
I can't believe that your little Milly is ten. All this must seem like an age ago.
We love this book and I've had such great feedback about Finger Food Friday that I hope some of my readers will now order it.
Thank you so much.
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